Product Profiles
Some of the Product profiles that have been released include;

Malawi: Superior dry grain sugar bean variety
Small white canning bean
High yielding, bold seed size green gram
Uganda: Fresh bean pod​
Tanzania: Yellow dry bean
Zimbabwe: High yielding, high Fe and Zn and disease tolerant red mottled bean variety
Nuts and Peas

Benin: High-yielding, cream-seeded Kersting’s groundnut​
Ghana: Drought Tolerant Groundnut for Sudan and Guinea Savannah zones of Ghana
Eastern Africa:
High yielding, drought tolerant and short duration dry grain pigeonpea
High yielding, drought tolerant and medium duration dry grain pigeonpea

Product Profile
Practitioner's tool-kit
This is a guide to support practitioners in plant breeding and crop improvement to create a product profile (PP) summary. A product profile summary is comprised of two pages and is prepared in three steps:
Product profile design team – information about the composition of the team of experts that have contributed to the design of the new variety.
Clients and markets – information about who the variety has been created to serve and the target markets.
Technical specification of the variety – an explanation about the design of the new variety and its targeted technical attributes

In these changing times, farmers and plant breeders are facing the challenge to improve the productivity and quality of the food we eat and redress the balance between supply and demand in developing countries.
Climate change, rising population, and the need for farming systems to be sustainable for future generations require both innovation and change. Improving new varieties can contribute to this challenge, but the design of new varieties is of paramount importance and can mean the difference between success or failure of new releases
A template has been developed with the primary purpose of communication of product profiles (PP). Completion of the PP template will enable the PP leader/ champion and/or members of the design team to communicate the target product profile of a new variety to a range of technical and non-technical audiences.
The contents of the template should enable audiences to visualize who the variety has been designed for, how it will be grown and its technical characteristics