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Product Profiles

Some of the Product profiles that have been released include;





  • Malawi: Superior dry grain sugar bean variety

  • Ethiopia:

    • Small white canning bean

    • High yielding, bold seed size green gram

  • Uganda: Fresh bean pod​

  • Tanzania: Yellow dry bean

  • Zimbabwe: High yielding, high Fe and Zn and disease tolerant red mottled bean variety

Superior dry grain sugar bean variety

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Rowland Chirwa

Alliance of Bioversity International
and CIAT (ABC), Malawi


Small white canning bean

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Berhanu Amsalu

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)


Mung bean/green gram (Vigna radiata)

High yielding, bold seed size green gram (Ethiopia)

Berhanu Amsalu

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)


Fresh bean Pod

Higher yielding, attractive bean pod with a longer shelf-life for the emerging fresh pod bean market.

Dr. Stanley Nkalubo

NARO, Uganda


Yellow dry bean

Earlier maturing, attractive dry yellow beans for the growing market in Tanzania and Eastern Africa region.

Teshale Mamo

Alliance of Bioversity-CIAT, Tanzania


Red mottled bean variety

High yielding, high Fe and Zn and disease tolerant red mottled bean variety (Zimbabwe)

Tsekenedza Shylet

Department of Research and Specialist Services, Zimbabwe


Nuts and Peas




  • Benin: High-yielding, cream-seeded Kersting’s groundnut​

  • Ghana: Drought Tolerant Groundnut for Sudan and Guinea Savannah zones of Ghana

  • Eastern Africa:

    • High yielding, drought tolerant and short duration dry grain pigeonpea

    • High yielding, drought tolerant and medium duration dry grain pigeonpea

Drought Tolerant Groundnut

 Drought tolerant groundnut variety with high economic yield (Ghana)

Achana Niagiah

The West African Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI)


High Yielding Kersting's Groundnut

High-yielding, cream-seeded Kersting’s groundnut

Eric Agoyi

University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin


Fast Cooking Kersting's Groundnut

Fast cooking, cream-seeded Kersting’s groundnut

Eric Agoyi

University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin


Drought Tolerant Bambara Groundnut

High Yielding Drought Tolerant Bambara Groundnut Variety With Low Anti Nutritional Factors

Ogechi Ihuoma

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria


High Antioxidant
Capacity Kersting Groundnut

High Yielding and Early Maturing Kersting’s Groundnut With High Antioxidant

Abiodun Isiaka

Federal University Oye Ekiti, Ekiti
State, Nigeria


Micronutrient dense Cowpea

Higher concentration of micronutrients (iron, zinc, copper, manganese and boron. High yielding, drought resistance, big grains

Oluwatimilehin Adegbaju

West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI)


Short-duration Dry grain Pigeon Pea

​High yielding, drought tolerant and short duration dry grain pigeonpea for Eastern Africa

Prof. Paul Kimani

University of Nairobi Kenya


Medium-duration dry grain Pigeon pea

High yielding, drought tolerant and medium duration dry grain pigeon pea for Eastern Africa

Prof. Paul Kimani

University of Nairobi Kenya


Resistant variety for coffee wilt disease (CWD)

Coffee wilt disease (CWD) resistant coffee varieties with high yielding and very good cup quality

Admikew Getaneh

Ethiopian Institute of Agriculture Research (EIAR)


Extended shelf-life Tomato inbred


Michael K Osei

CSIR-Crops Research Institute, Kumasi (CSIR-CRI)


High-yielding hot-set Tomato hybrid


Mathieu A.T. Ayenan

University of Ghana, WACCI


Resistant Tomato Cultivar to Bacterial Wilt


Francis Mwaura Mirara

International Centre for Advanced
Mediterranean Agronomic Studies-


Oxylus Cabbage Variety Tolerant to Drought Stress and Diamond Back Moth


Emmanuel Ackah

​West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI)


Flood Tolerant and Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus Resistant Okra Hybrids

Flood tolerant and YVMV resistant
okra hybrid with longer shelf life

Ugwu Emmanuel

University of Ghana, WACCI


Drought-tolerant okra for fresh market


Jacinta Adoma Opoku

CSIR-Crops Research Institute, Ghana


Dwarf High-Yielding Palm Oil


Dickson Osei Darkwah

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)-Oil
Palm Research Institute (OPRI)


​High yielding, submergent tolerant rice varieties

Alex Yeboah

​CSIR-Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (SARI), Ghana


Early maturing, lowland, long slender grain rice

Andrew A. Efisue

University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria


Pro-vitamin A enriched orange maize

Development and dissemination of Pro-vitamin A orange maize
varieties in Ghana

Manfred Bondzie Ewool

CSIR-Crop Research Institute, Ghana


High Yielding maize variety resistant to FAW

High Yielding maize variety resistant to Fall Army Worm (FAW) for Ghana

Ernest Amanor-Labi

University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and WACCI


High adaptable, high resistance to herbicide

Resistance of Maize hybrid to Herbicide in Ghana

Theophilus Adu-Gyamfi

University of Ghana and WACCI


High yield cassava

High root yielding cassava varieties with high dry matter and
carotene contents for Nigeria

Bunmi Olasanmi

University of Ibadan, Nigeria


High yielding disease resistant cassava

High yielding disease resistant cassava for processing white granulated Gari for Nigeria

Olaoye, Omotola Dorcas

University of Port Harcourt


Low Tannin Sorghum for Tanzania

High yielding, Striga resistant and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. strigae
(FOS) compatible, and low tannin sorghum for Tanzania

Emmanuel Justine Mrema

Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute, Tumbi Centre


Post flowering Sorghum drought tolerance

Post-flowering drought tolerance for sorghum (Senegal)

Joseph Pascal SENE

Institut Sénégalais de la recherche
Agronomique (ISRA)


Striga Tolerant Higher yielding Sorghum Variety

Higher Yielding Sorghum Variety Tolerant to the Parasitic Weed Striga Hermonthica for the Kenyan Consumers


Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS)


Product Profile

Practitioner's tool-kit

This is a guide to support practitioners in plant breeding and crop improvement to create a product profile (PP) summary. A product profile summary is comprised of two pages and is prepared in three steps:


  1. Product profile design team – information about the composition of the team of experts that have contributed to the design of the new variety.

  2. Clients and markets – information about who the variety has been created to serve and the target markets.

  3. Technical specification of the variety – an explanation about the design of the new variety and its targeted technical attributes


In these changing times, farmers and plant breeders are facing the challenge to improve the productivity and quality of the food we eat and redress the balance between supply and demand in developing countries.


Climate change, rising population, and the need for farming systems to be sustainable for future generations require both innovation and change. Improving new varieties can contribute to this challenge, but the design of new varieties is of paramount importance and can mean the difference between success or failure of new releases

A template has been developed with the primary purpose of communication of product profiles (PP). Completion of the PP template will enable the PP leader/ champion and/or members of the design team to communicate the target product profile of a new variety to a range of technical and non-technical audiences.


The contents of the template should enable audiences to visualize who the variety has been designed for, how it will be grown and its technical characteristics




We'd Love to hear from You

The Pan Africa Coordinator of the Demand led Breeding (DLB) is hosted by the Alliance of Bioversity International & CIAT through the Pan Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA), at its regional office located at International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), Duduville Campus in Nairobi, Kenya 

Tel: +254 708 113 791
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