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DLB Community of Practice


To enroll into the DLB Community of practise, press here

The DLB “community of practice” is established amongst some 400 plant breeders (120 of whom are women) within African national agricultural research systems (NARS). These professionals are working on 44 crops within 28 countries of Africa. A comprehensive survey was conducted with this community as to their current priorities and new varieties available.

The DLB project partners are working with this community to mainstream demand-led breeding within breeding programs for several target crops in the countries of Africa. The members of the community of practice are mainly those who have participated in more than 20 DLB training workshops conducted in eastern, southern, and West Africa between 2015-20.

For more information on the DLB community of practice or to

  • Develop and support in developing new product profiles

  • Join one of the DLB crop thematic group and to request for distance learning in DLB concept contact


Dr. Nasser Yao, (DLB Pan African Coordinator), based in Nairobi Kenya through email: 

Who are the Alumni


Where the Alumni are working


Alumni are from 24 countries across SSA


The Alumni have 44 crops of interest

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