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Education & Training


Demand-led plant breeding (DLB) is a methodology that recognises the importance of both identifying and understanding market opportunities and actively designing new plant varieties to deliver the needs of farmers and their value chains.


DLB advocates using these best practices and integrating them with the most effective breeding technologies to create new markets and shorten new variety development timescales. The education module has been created by an educators’ group of expert plant breeders, from national, regional and

international research institutes and universities throughout Africa, with responsibilities for postgraduate education and professional development of plant breeders. It contains state-of-the-art best practices and methodologies from both the public and private sectors in Africa and internationally.

To understand more on the Education approach, content, target audience etc, please download the Education module brief here

Education modules

“The DLB educators" group are co-authors of chapters within the DLB text book published by CABI on “The Business of Plant Breeding: Market-led Approaches to Plant Variety Design in Africa” (2017). The textbook provides the core course material for the education workshops and copies are made available to all workshop participants. The textbook and associated research and educational resource materials are also available to download as open access on the CABI site.

Executive Summary

Market-led approaches to new variety design in Africa


Market led approach to new variety design

Case study of the bean breeding at PABRA 

PABRA’s approach to connecting and formalizing collaboration between all the key public and private organizations has led to many more varieties being developed for smallholder farmers and their value chains.


To read more about this success and other PABRA initiatives, please download this brief

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